BPE (Canada)
Dip Th (DTC, Singapore)
MA in Intercultural Studies (Fuller Theological Seminary)
Alvin and his wife, Daisy, felt called to serve the Lord in cross-cultural ministry in Asia while they were young adults. After working in the marketplace for a few years, they went for their theological training at DTC (1991-1993) in preparations for cross-cultural ministry. They served in Cambodia (1995-2006), initially direct-sent by their home-church and then with OMF, reaching out to university students and helping in church planting and discipleship. Alvin also taught at the Phnom Penh Bible School (PPBS) to train and raise up local pastors and ministry leaders. He continues as a visiting lecturer and returns to teach at PPBS yearly.
In 2006, the family returned to Singapore in view of caring for aging parents and for the children to reintegrate into Singapore school. While serving at Bartley Christian Church as a Missions Pastor, Alvin was an adjunct faculty at DTC teaching Missions courses. Alvin was the Senior Pastor of Bartley Christian Church from 2017-2022 before joining DTC as the Dean on July 2023.
Alvin and Daisy have three children; Isobel, Benedict (married to Ruth) and Janelle.
SAM GOH (Dean of students)
BA (Tufts University, USA, 2000)
MCM (DTC, Singapore, 2016)
MTh (Theology) AGST Alliance, 2021)
Sam worked as a journalist with Singapore Press Holdings from 2000 to 2014, and then studied at Discipleship Training Centre from 2014 to 2016. He remained at DTC as Faculty-in-Training while pursuing his MTh studies with Asia Graduate School of Theology (AGST) Alliance. He also studied Biblical Greek and Hebrew at Baptist Theological Seminary, Singapore. The late Dr Jeanette Hui (DTC lecturer) introduced him to Dallas Willard’s writings on spiritual formation. Willard’s ideas formed the basis of his MTh thesis, titled Be perfect: A dialogue with Dallas Willard towards a theology of spiritual formation for young Singaporean Chinese Christians. Sam enjoys nature, music, stories and quiet moments with a friend or two.
BSc (University of Southampton, UK, 1994)
PhD (University of Southampton, UK, 1999)
BA (Moorlands College, UK, 2001)
MTh (Spurgeon’s College, UK, 2004)
PhD (Durham University, UK, 2011)
Dr Vincent Ooi joined DTC in September 2022 after serving as lecturer in Malaysia Baptist Theological Seminary, in Penang, Malaysia for more than 10 years.
He completed his first PhD in physics at the University of Southampton in 1999, and his second in biblical interpretation and Christian spirituality at Durham University in 2011. In between, he pastored a church in the UK for about 8 years.
He preaches regularly and is interested in how Christian traditions, theology, worship, and spirituality could also inform and enrich the interpretation of the Bible, especially the Old Testament, for Christian discipleship.
He loves Bach and enjoys practising the flute and piano.
Vincent is a member of St. George’s Anglican Church, Penang.
Review of The God of the Old Testament: Encountering the Divine in Christian Scripture by R. W. L. Moberly (Grand Rapids: Baker, 2021), Themelios 46(1).
To give the sense: Sermons on Old Testament texts (Penang: Malaysia Baptist Theological Seminary, 2020).
Scripture and Its Readers: Readings of Israel’s Story in Nehemiah 8, Ezekiel 20 and Acts 7 (Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns, 2015).
BA, (National University of Singapore, 1986)
Dip Ed (Institute of Education, 1987)
Dip C S (Biblical Graduate School of Theology, 1994)
M CS (Regent College, Canada, 1998)
The Lord’s call to full time service came in Rebecca’s late teens. Following pastoral advice she got a university degree and then a diploma in teaching. Her years of teaching in a Secondary School completed, her call crystallised and she began serving in her church, Zion Serangoon Bible-Presbyterian Church, while also doing theological studies.
In 1999, God opened the door to teach at Phnom Penh Bible School, Cambodia. Since 2005, as a missionary with OMF Cambodia, her ministry has included being part of 2 church-planting teams in 2 rural provinces at 2 different times; advisor to a local Christian Publishing House; Bible teacher to women; coordinator of training for new missionaries in culture and language learning, as well as ministry skills and personal development for the field. Lastly, she was a member and then Chairperson on the Board of governors for the OMF-FES student movement called SONOKO.
In April 2023, she returned to Singapore for Home Assignment and while completing a Graduate Research Program at Oxford Centre, sensed that door to Cambodia is closed for a season. She joined DTC in Jan 2025.
Rebecca enjoys good fiction, K-dramas and C-dramas, as well as nature parks and spots with spaces for walking and moderate hiking.
DR LIM K THAM (Adjunct faculty)
BD (Trinity Theological College, Singapore, 1986)
MA with Distinction (Durham University, UK, 1993)
PhD (University of Edinburgh, UK, 2019)
Dr Lim K Tham was a former dean of DTC. He had been in Edinburgh, UK, where he obtained a PhD in Systematic Theology.
He is thankful for his time with The Boys’ Brigade, Care Corner Singapore, the Bible Society of Singapore and Singapore Anglican Community Services—spanning nearly 40 years —during which he learned to work with a wide cross-section of people towards shared objectives. His voluntary time as General Secretary of the National Council of Churches of Singapore has also helped him to appreciate that "we are always part of a wider community". He counts it a privilege to share in DTC's community-oriented approach to training workers for Christian ministry.
K Tham is married to Jenise and has a daughter, Deborah.
Dissertations and Theses
“Not Beyond Language: Wittgenstein and Lindbeck on the Problem of
Speaking about God.” PhD diss., University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, 2019.
“The Case for Propositional Revelation.” MA thesis, University of Durham, Durham, 1992.
“Divine Revelation and the Knowledge of God.” BD thesis, Trinity Theological College, Singapore, 1987.
Not Beyond Language. Wittgenstein and Lindbeck on the Problem of Speaking about God. Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2022.
The Call to Serve. Singapore: Armour Publishing, 2008.
Sights & Sounds. Co-editor with Bishop Dr Robert M Solomon. Singapore: Armour Publishing, 2006.
Hedges & Edges. Co-editor with Lynette Balotta. Singapore: Care Corner, 2001.
Handbook for Boys. Editor. Singapore: The Boys' Brigade, 1985.
EILEEN POH (Adjunct Faculty)
LLB (Singapore)
Dip Th (DTC, Singapore)
M Div (TTC, Singapore)
Ph D (University of London)
Eileen practised law for several years before doing her theological studies at Discipleship Training Centre (DTC). After DTC, she went on to do her M Div at Trinity Theological College (Singapore).
In 1991, Eileen joined the staff at DTC for 15 months after which she went to the UK for doctoral studies. She completed her Ph D in biblical studies in 1998 and is very glad to return to teach at DTC.
Eileen is married to Philip Satterthwaite, who is the Old Testament & Hebrew lecturer at Biblical Graduate School of Theology.
‘“Doing Good’ in 1 Peter” in E. Chew (ed.), Discipleship at the Cross-roads: Essays celebrating the silver Anniversary of the Discipleship Training Centre (Singapore: DTC, 1994) 86-98
“Medhurst, Walter Henry” in S. W. Sunquist (ed.), A Dictionary of Asian Christianity (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2001) 527-528
“The Conflicting Demands of Gospel and Culture: Another Look at 1 Peter 2:13-17” in R. Chia & M. Chan (eds.), A Graced Horizon: Essays in Gospel, Culture and Church in Honour of Rev. Dr. Choong Chee Pang (Genesis Books: Singapore, 2005) 9-23
“Christian Women in Nation Building and Community Service,” Church and Society 9.3 (2006) 134-151
“The Acquisition and Use of Wealth: Some Reflections from Revelation 18”, Jian Dao 41(2014) 255-297
“NT Metaphors of the Church” in B. Ekstrom (ed.), Church in Mission: Foundations and Global Case Studies (William Carey Library & WEA Mission Commission, 2016) 23-32
“Women as Witnesses and Patrons in the Early Church: The Example of Lydia in Acts 16” in G. Capaque (ed.), To Be With Him & To Be Sent Out (Singapore: Graceworks, 2018) 57-65
SONG CHENG HOCK (Adjunct Faculty)
BTh Hons (Singapore Bible College)
MA (Australian College of Theology)
M Soc Sc (Counselling, University of South Australia)
Cheng Hock studied theology and counselling in both Singapore and Australia. He is serving as a Pastor of Amazing Grace Presbyterian Church in Singapore. He has taught Pastoral Studies and Homiletics at DTC.
DAVID LEONG (Adjunct Faculty)
MCS (Regent College, Vancouver, Canada)
David Leong is a local preacher and an itinerant Children & Families Educator of Grace Methodist Church Singapore. From 1990 to 2013, he was a missionary sent out by his home church to serve the Lord full-time with Scripture Union Singapore. He was its Executive Director from 1998 till June 2013.
He holds a Master of Christian Studies (MCS) degree from Regent College, Vancouver, Canada. He is also a Haggai Leader.
David is a passionate and humorous speaker and trainer in Christian Education, Children’s Ministry and Marriage & Family subjects who has ministered at local and overseas churches and theological institutions for nearly 30 years.
David and his wife Cynthia have three children Ivan, Alyssa and Dorlisa, who are young adults.
KIMHONG HAZRA (Adjunct Faculty)
Regent College, Vancouver, Canada
University of Edinburgh, UK
National University of Singapore
Kim Hong brings her perspective to the teaching and formation process in mission studies from her years of ministry amongst students in universities and colleges and seminaries both in Singapore and in the Southern African region. Her own academic formation was received at Regent College in Vancouver, Canada and at the University of Edinburgh, UK as well as in Southeast Asian Studies at the National University of Singapore. She and her husband, Ajit Hazra, worship at Kampong Kapor Methodist Church.
SEAH JIAK CHOO (Adjunct Faculty)
B Sc (Hons) (U of Singapore)
Dip Ed (U of Singapore)
Dip Theology (Melbourne College of Divinity)
Dip Computer Science (National U of Singapore)
M A (Education) (U of Michigan, USA)
M A (Theology) (Fuller Theological Seminary)
Jiak Choo retired from the Ministry of Education, Singapore, as Director-General of Education in Mar 2009. She began her career in the education service in 1977 as a mathematics teacher, and has held various appointments, including Principal of a secondary school, Senior Inspector of Schools, Director of Research and Testing, and Director of Schools. Over the years, she has been awarded Public Administration Medals (Bronze, Silver and Gold) and the Meritorious Service Medal (in 2015) by the government of Singapore in recognition of her contributions.
Jiak Choo enjoys reading, hiking and teaching.
BA (Biola University, USA, 1980)
MCS (Regent College, Canada, 1987)
PhD (Queen’s University of Belfast, UK, 2000)
Dr Walter McConnell is the head of mission research for OMF International and edits the OMF journal Mission Round Table. He has served as an adjunct at DTC since 2013 and has taught in theological colleges in four other countries. His research interests include Old Testament ethics, Old Testament theology, creation, missions, and worship. He is married to Claire and they have five grown children and six grandchildren.
How Majestic is Your Name: An Introduction to Biblical Worship (Eugene, Oregon: Wipf & Stock, 2021).
“Christian Mission and Innovation: The Experience of CIM/OMF in History, the Present, and the Future,”
Mission Round Table 16 (January–April 2021): 4–10.
“Following in God’s Way by Foot or by Chair,” with David Pickard, Mission Round Table 15 (May–August 2020): 20–24.
“Culture, the Bible, and the ‘Honor-Shame’ Gospel,” Mission Round Table 15 (January–April 2020): 12–19.
“God’s Mission to the Lisu,” Mission Round Table 14 (January–April 2019): 24–34.
“A Meditation on the Church in Antioch and Mission,” Mission Round Table 13 (September–December 2018): 32–35.
“Worshipping God through Suffering,” Mission Round Table 12 (September–December 2017): 35–39.
“CIM/OMF and the Pentecostal/Charismatic Movement,” Mission Round Table 11 (May–August 2016): 4–14.
“Reconsidering H. Richard Niebuhr’s Christ and Culture,” Mission Round Table 10 (September 2015): 24–27.
“Discipleship and the Great Commission,” Mission Round Table 9 (September 2014): 12–17.
“From Creation to New Creation: Mission and the Natural World,” Mission Round Table 9 (May 2014): 17–22.
“Meter” and “Worship,” in Dictionary of the Old Testament: Wisdom, Poetry and Writings, ed. Tremper Longman and Peter Enns, 472–476, 929–935. (Downers Grove: IVP Academic and Nottingham: Inter-Varsity Press, 2008).
“‘And Let them Rule’: Humanity’s Relationship with God and Creation,” in A Dialogue between Now and Eternity: Biblical Studies and Exegesis (Singapore: Singapore Bible College, 2007), 1–16.
“The Missionary Call: A Biblical and Practical Appraisal,” Evangelical Missions Quarterly 43 (April 2007): 210–217.
“In His Image: A Christian’s Place in Creation,” Asia Journal of Theology 20 (April 2006): 114–127.
“Facing New Paradigms in Worship: Learning New Lessons from Old Masters,” Evangelical Review of Theology 29 (October 2005): 331–346.
“‘You Shall Have No Other Gods Before Me’: God and the Gods in the Pentateuch,” Journal of Asian Evangelical Theology 13 (June 2005): 19–46.
“‘Around the Old Eternal Rocks’: Ecology, Nature and the Celtic Church,” Crux 41 (Spring 2005): 27–35.
YVONNE CHOO (Adjunct Faculty)
London School of Theology
All Nations Christian College
National University of Singapore
With her years of experience in local and regional student work, particularly with international students, she brings on board her energy, humour and perspective.
Halliday, Terence, Vinoth Ramachandra, Yvonne Choo, H. Zheng, K.H.K. Wong, and B.M.C. Cheung. Engaging the Campus: Faith and Service in the Academy. Singapore: Fellowship of Evangelical Students, 2016.